Wednesday 21 September 2011

Diets that work easy, simple diet to lose stomach fat for good

Need a simple diet that work, but confused where to start?
You are not alone - with all the programs out there today is promoted, it is not surprising that most people get confused.
You open a magazine, turn on the TV and there they are - new plans to save you and the rest of the obese population.
A high protein diet is about a little fat, and the other is "carbohydrate is the enemy!
While this plan to follow?
One that works for you personally and to health.
A simple long-term work should consist of the following -
1. Moderate amounts of lean red meat, three to four times a week
2. Alternatives chicken, chicken, fish and meat on other days
3. Reduction in consumption "healthy" mono and polyunsaturated
4. 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
5. We need good carbs (not the kind of treatment) and fiber in our diet
Put this way, no diet or eating is ideal if you can not keep for life. And if the diet plan is restrictive and does not include some of your favorite foods (even in small quantities) - stay away from him.
Chances are that you lose weight at first, but over time, you will earn twice as fast!
1. The diet is complex and rigid
2. The diet is boring and not tasty enough
3. Is too strict making it difficult for people to meet
4. And you can not keep this diet long term
Then look at the different diets on offer, and follow health recommendations above.
The key is you have to develop their own eating plan that fits your life and your taste buds. And also, it is necessary to include some kind of activity level.
And the intention to change your life, start with a work area of ​​every month - it could be drinking more water, eat more than two servings of fruits and vegetables a day. The following month, work on one more goal.
Thus, the monthly change gradually become a habit established, and improve your diet to lose fat stomach, without dictating their lives.
Need The best way to lose body fat ? Rel = Discover How to lose body fat and build muscle . info and say goodbye to stubborn belly fat!

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